Project C Start

Today I created a new unity project for Project C. The goal for today is create at least a board and the player.

I started by making a rectangle as a floor and circle as a player. THen make controller script for player movement. After that I made scirpt for a camera to follow player. Then I created a prefab for wall. After that I removed floor gameobject and made floor prefab. Maze now have generatemaze scirpt, which takes prefab for walls and floor. It also takes Width and HEight and Tile Size. Script generates the whole maze at start.

There was a issue when player spawned in wall, so I made mazeGenerator script accept another argument and that was transform and after script generates maze it change that transform position to left down corner of the maze. After that I passed player transform as argument and problem was solved.


Build 22 MB
May 10, 2021

Get Zombie Shooter

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